Morgan ‘Les’ DeBusk-Lane, Ph.D.

Crafted: Apr 2024


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Educational Psychology), Virginia Commonwealth University.

    Dissertation: “Variable- and person-centered approaches to examining construct-relevant multidimensionality in writing self-efficacy”

  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Pennsylvania State University - with High Distinction.

Peer Reviewed Articles


Bae, C. & DeBusk-Lane, M. (2019). Middle school engagement: Implications for motivation and achievement in science. Learning and Individual Differences, 74,

Bae, C. & DeBusk-Lane, M. (2018). Stability of motivation belief profiles in science: Links to classroom goal structures and achievement. Learning and Individual Differences, 67, 91-104.

Bae, C., DeBusk-Lane, M., Hayes, K. & Zhang, F. (2018). Opportunities to participate (OtP) in science: Examining differences longitudinally and across socioeconomically diverse schools. Research in Science Education, 1-22.

Bae, C. L., DeBusk-Lane, M., & Lester, A. M. (2020). Engagement profiles of elementary students in urban schools. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 62, 101880.

Bae, C. L., Hankour, K., Williamson, K., & DeBusk-Lane, M. (2024). Discursive resources and agency in classroom discourse: A mixed methods natural language processing approach. SocArXiv.

Bae, C., Hayes, K., DeBusk-Lane, M. (2020). Profiles of middle school science teachers: Accounting for cognitive and motivational characteristics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(6), 911-942.

Cabrera, L., Bae, C., DeBusk-Lane, M. (2023). A mixed methods study of middle students’ science motivation and engagement profiles. Learning and Individual Differences, 103, 10.1016/j.lindif.2023.102281

DeBusk-Lane, M., Zumbrunn, S., Bae, C., Broda, M., Bruning, R., & Sjogren, A. (2023). Variable- and Person-Centered Approaches to Examining Construct-Relevant Multidimensionality in Writing Self-Efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 14,

Ekholm, E., Zumbrunn, S., & DeBusk-Lane, M. (2017). Clarifying an elusive construct: A systematic review of writing attitudes. Educational Psychology Review, 30(3), 827-856.

Maese, E., Diego-Rosell, P., Debusk-Lane, L., & Kress, N. (2021, November). Development of emergent leadership measurement: Implications for human-machine teams. In AAAI Fall Symposium (pp. 118-145). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Redifer, J., Bae, C., & DeBusk-Lane, M. (2019). Implicit Theories, Working Memory, and Cognitive Load: Impacts on Creative Thinking. SAGE Open, 9(1), 1-16.

Zumbrunn, S., Ekholm, E., Stringer, J. K., McKnight, K., & DeBusk-Lane, M. (2017). Student Experiences With Writing: Taking the Temperature of the Classroom. The Reading Teacher, 70(6), 667–677.

Zumbrunn, S., Marrs, S., Broda, M., Ekholm, E., DeBusk-Lane, M., Jackson, L. (2019). Toward a more complete understanding of elementary writing attitudes: A mixed methods study of elementary students. AERA Open, 5(2), 1-16.

Peer Reviewed Presentations


DeBusk-Lane, M., Bae, C., & Lester, A. Student engagement in urban elementary schools: A Variable- and person-centered approach (Paper presented at the 2020 American Educational Research Association in San Fransisco, CA.)

Bae, C. & DeBusk-Lane, M., Engaging Students in Science: Measurement Invariance of Science Practices across Middle School Grades and Socioeconomic Subgroups (Paper presented at the 2017 Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness: SREE)

Bae, C., DeBusk-Lane, M., & Hayes, K., Student Engagement in Middle School Science: Findings across socioeconomic subgroups (Poster presented at the 2017 American Psychological Association in Washington, D.C.)

Bae, C., DeBusk-Lane, M., & Hayes, K., Student Engagement in Middle School Science: Findings across socioeconomic subgroups (Paper presented at the 2018 American Educational Research Association in New York, NY.)

Bae, C., DeBusk-Lane, M. Profiles of motivation in middle school science: Links to classroom structures and achievement (Poster presented at the 2018 American Psychological Association in San Francisco, CA.)

DeBusk-Lane, M. & Bae, C., Students’ Engagement in Middle School Science: Measurement Invariance and Group Mean Comparisons Across Language Subgroups. (Poster presented at the 2017 Association for Psychological Science Convention, Boston, MA.)

DeBusk-Lane, M., Gnilka, P., Bae, C., Akcil, S., & Fee, H. Counselor Burnout Inventory: Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance across U.S. and Turkish Professional School Counselors. (Paper presented at the 2018 American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.)

DeBusk-Lane, M., Lester, A., Zumbrunn, S. Understanding Profiles of Writing Self-Efficacy through Mixed Methods Analysis. (Poster presented at the 2018 American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.)

Ekholm, E., Zumbrunn, S., & DeBusk-Lane, M., Clarifying an elusive construct: A systematic review of writing attitudes. (Paper presented at the 2017 American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.)

Gnilka, P., DeBusk-Lane, M., Moate, R., Rice, K., Ashby, J., & Zumbrunn, S., Perfectionism and the HEXACO Model of Personality. (Paper presented at the 2017 Association for Psychological Science, Boston, MA.)

Jackson, L., DeBusk-Lane, M., Zumbrunn, S., & Baker, A., A Qualitative Study on the Collective Efficacy and Belongingness of Undergraduate Students (Paper presented at the 2016 American Psychological Association convention, Denver, CO.)

Lester, A. M., Chow, J., & DeBusk-Lane, M. Adolescent Participation in Afterschool Programs: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (Poster presented at the 2018 American Psychological Association, San Fransisco, CA.)

Lester, A., DeBusk-Lane, M., Ekholm, E., Kunemund, R., Sterrett, B., Hope, S., … Zumbrunn, S.. Making schools more inclusive, inviting, and supportive: A community perspective. (Poster presented at Virginia Commonwealth University’s 2017 Racial Disproportionality, School Discipline, and Future Directions symposium.)

Lester, A., DeBusk-Lane, M., & Siegel-Hawley, G.. Investigating profiles of school level demographic change in relation to racial disproportionality in discipline. (Paper presented at the 2019 American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada)

Lester, A. M., DeBusk-Lane, M., & Zumbrunn, S. Investigating Profiles of Students’ Writing Self-Efficacy: A Mixed Methods Approach. (Poster presented at the 2018 American Psychological Association, San Fransisco, CA.)

Love, S., Rufer, L., DeBusk-Lane, M., & Zumbrunn, S., Exploring Student Athlete Motivation in Academics and Athletics. (Paper presented at the 2016 American Psychological Association convention, Denver, CO.).

Maese, E., Diego-Roosell, P., Srinivasan, R., Bikus, Z., DeBusk-Lane, M., Davoodi, T., Van Klinken, M., Foy, D., Food Insecurity in Context: Developing Mental Models of Local Knowledge in Halabja, Iraq. (Presentation to the American Public Health Association, 2022).

Marrs, S. A., Zumbrunn, S. K., Jackson, L. O., Ekholm, E., DeBusk-Lane, M.. Exploring elementary students’ preferences for writing tasks. (Poster presented at the 2017 meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.)

Redifer, J. Bae, C., & DeBusk-Lane, M., Cognitive Load Mediates the Relationship Between Implicit Beliefs and Creative Thinking Scores. (Poster presented at the 2017 Association for Psychological Science, Boston, MA.)

Siegel-Hawley, G, DeBusk-Lane, M., Lester, A., Naff, D., & Palencia, V. Race, place, and exclusion: The metropolitan landscape of racial inequity in school discipline. (Paper presented at the 2019 American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada)

Sjogren, A., DeBusk-Lane, M., & Bae, C. Student engagement across contexts. (Symposium presented at the 2021 American Educational Research Association, Virtual Meeting).

Stringer, J., DeBusk-Lane, M., Zumbrunn, S., & Walsh, M., Academic self-concept: A qualitative approach. (Paper presented at the 2016 American Psychological Association convention, Denver, CO.).

Zumbrunn, S., Ekholm, E., Stringer, J., McKnight, K., & DeBusk-Lane, M., Exploring the experience of writing through student drawings. (Paper presented at the 2016 American Psychological Association convention, Denver, CO.).

Zumbrunn, S., Marrs, S., Jackson, L., Broda, M., Ekholm, E., & DeBusk-Lane, M., Student perceptions of teacher and peer enthusiasm for writing, writing attitudes, and writing self-regulation: A mixed methods study. (Paper presented at the meeting of the 2017 American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.)

Zumbrunn, S., Marrs, S., Malmberg, L., Ekholm, E., Broda, M., & DeBusk-Lane, M., Individual differences and the development of multiple dimensions of writing self-efficacy. (Paper presented at the 2018 International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, Antwerp, Belgium)

Peer Reviewed Reports

Siegel-Hawley, G., Tefera, A. A., Naff, D., Lester, A., Levy, R., Palencia, V., Parry, M., & DeBusk-Lane, M. (2019). Understanding racial inequities in school discipline across the Richmond region. Richmond, VA: Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium.